Academy of Martial Arts recently hosted the Renato Tavares seminar on Nov 17, 2012. The event was a huge success with more than 75 people on the mat. This is the first of many seminars at the new facility and what a way to break in the facility with an event like this!
The day started out with Master Renato Tavares showing various techniques and drills. Then the break came and Master Tavares called everyone together for a special presentation. Coach Kentrick Coleman was presented his well-earned Black Belt. The surprise on Coach Coleman’s face was priceless as he now joined the ranks with fellow Black Belts Piet Wilhelm and Scott Hewitt. There was hardly a dry eye in the house as he thanked his teachers, students, and instructors.
Next, everyone continued learning techniques and drills. Several more belt and stripe promotions were issued at the close of the seminar. Academy of Martial Arts would like to thank all those who attended. Big things are in store for AMA in 2013 .